Thursday, March 26, 2009

Its beginning to feel a lot like Winter!!....Wait Again?

Okay seriously, when can it be spring and summer!!?? I am so sick of the cold weather! Last week it was just so warm! I wore shorts and short sleeved shirts all week!! I am just so bummed that it has to snow again, and be cold!! Why oh Why?? Why does this have to happen? I want to move to Arizona!!!!!! Only in the winter time though


Annette said...

Sorry you have to go through cold weather, but we really needed to cool things down a bit before the real heat hits. Thanks for suffering throught the cold for us in AZ. Love you Bethany

Allie Braithwaite said...

i am going through the same thing buffy... lets hope together that it warms up...

Colleen said...

I agree! I want Spring to come so Summer will follow!! :)