Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Make Out, Or Breakout

Yesterday I was in my TV Broadcasting class, and in the back of the classroom there is this huge window that goes outside. Well our teacher is talking to us, and he keeps on looking to the back window, and finally he says, "I would love for someone to film those two kids making out back there." So a boy in my class grabs the camera, and walks outside and starts filming them. Then my teacher grabs a camera and starts taking pictures of them. Finally after a while the kids saw people filming them, so the girl ran off! Well I just had to share that, it was the highlight of my whole day!!


Kori Ann said...

lol that's hilarious. i miss high school =). Just don't be the one getting caught making out on camera!

Carissa said...

HAHAAHAH!!! That's amazing. Bet you they'll be a lot more hesitant next time