Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Im an Aunt!!!


Lyndee said...

Yeah Buff I am so proud of you! being an aunt is so fun! You are going to love being an aunt! oh and you look hot in those pics! Guess what I come to utah next week! Yeah cant wait to see you and the baby! love ya

Bethany said...

haha I can't wait, im sure you can't wait to see Brenton again. haha (Kaylee told me to tell you that) haha well I just can't wait!

Allie Braithwaite said...

hey buff i am so so so happy you are an aunt how does it feel he is so so so cute

Allie Braithwaite said...

hey buff i am so so so happy you are an aunt how does it feel he is so so so cute

Allie Braithwaite said...
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Annette said...

cute pictures. You will be such a wonderful aunt. baby Logie will love you and follow you around.

Amy_T said...

too bad you will never be as good as me. I am the best aunt in the world. hahahahaha lololololololololol and i love all the lyndee/brenton comments! hook them up buff! and save forrest for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!